No more big power supplies for preamps

What does the job now?

These are my speakers:

Infinity RSIIb

The oak boxes behind the speakers contain the crossover network, which I removed from the speakers when I rebuilt them with new EMIM diaphragms from Apogee Acoustics, Northcreek and Solen heptalitz inductors, Duelund, Mundorf, Solen and Audiocap Theta caps, Cardas copper litz in Teflon wire...but that's a different project.
Very impressive Ait. Anybody that goes to that kind of extreme, obviously enjoys the hobby. I like to keep custom, over the top builds to preamps. I have had a few customers that wanted very extreme preamps and if they can't afford something in the Purity Audio line, such as an Ultra GT, they usually have me custom build something from the Musica Bella line.
I like unique designs as well. I am now working on some "Newstolgic" pieces bringing back the idea of integrated table top consoles for a unique lifestyle product.
I will never get involved in a tube amp at the level of yours.

In the Purity line, we do have a pair of single ended PSE 300B mono lblocs that use technology that has never before been seen in the industry. Mostly in the design of the output transformers. As you know, such inovention does not come cheaply.

Please note this post is not intended to come across as a sales pitch. It's just nice being involved in a thread where we can express our ideas that not everyone in the hobby can appreciate.

Too many threads turn in debates and attacks.

I am looking forward to see the completion of these amps and will follow your other thread now with great interest.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program!
Response, Your post does not come across as an attempt at free advertising to me. Just because I may not be buying, I still like to hear about those pushing the envelope and/or thinking outside the box. Good luck in your projects, you and Ait!
Thanks, all.

The amps are extreme, but remember, your microwave uses similar voltages, and a CRT TV uses voltages 10X higher. It's about common sense, fail safe protection circuits, and not working on it after a few beers.