Best sounding Hybrid Integrated in $2000 range

Downsizing system and want to go with an excellent sounding hybrid integrated of 100--150RMS up to a limit of $2000 Should offer a good phono stage, but not a dealbreaker.

Not sure what speakers will be in this downsized rig, probably a high quality monitor, or small footprint floor stander, e.g. Paradign ImagineT-2, or even a Martin Logan planar. Prefer an amp that is engaging, musical but also dynamic.
Nice review of the Rogue Sphinx in this month's The Absolute Sound. Sounds like it has the characteristics you're looking for, although it only has a MM phono stage. Seems like a good deal at $1295 ($1395 w/ remote), and fwiw the reviewer bought the review sample. Best of luck.
It's not the Sphinx but the Cronus he should be looking at. Find one used with KT120s and add and external phono preamp and you've spent $2000. It will kill the Sphinx.
Dhcod, The OP wants a Hybrid,the Cronus is all tube.Why recommend that amp?