Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?

I have an Ayre CD player, BADA Alpha DAC, deHavilland Mercury pre-amp, CJ MF-2500A amp and N802 - am looking to upgrade amp.
Would like to hear views on Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution.
Not married to tube or SS..
Always wonder about Stereophile recommended components such as Aesthetix Atlas, Parasound JC-1, CJ LP-125 and the likes. I would pay about $5k on Agon so there are some limitations.
Ayre V-5. But it will work best for what you are asking if you remove your dac and preamp. Keep your CD player and put something like a K-5 or Calypso in between them.
"09-15-13: Jburidan
SS amps and PP tube amps don't do timbre -- for that you want 300B SET, IME."

Doesn't the design have, at least, a little to do with timbre? I can tell the difference between a piano and a violin with both my SS and PP tube amps.
JB, note what speakers he is using. Not exactly the best candidate for use with a 300B SET. And note that his present amplifier is rated at 250 watts per channel into 8 ohms.

On the other hand the VAC Renaissance 70/70 MkIII that I use, which utilizes four 300B's per channel in a push-pull parallel configuration, providing 70 watts per channel, MIGHT be a suitable match that would provide the qualities the OP is looking for. (I use it with speakers that have far more benign impedance characteristics, and that are far more efficient). It would also be a good fit relative to the OPs budget, although retubing, if and when necessary, would obviously be quite expensive.

Also, ZD's recommendations are always well worth considering.

-- Al