Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?

I have an Ayre CD player, BADA Alpha DAC, deHavilland Mercury pre-amp, CJ MF-2500A amp and N802 - am looking to upgrade amp.
Would like to hear views on Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution.
Not married to tube or SS..
Always wonder about Stereophile recommended components such as Aesthetix Atlas, Parasound JC-1, CJ LP-125 and the likes. I would pay about $5k on Agon so there are some limitations.
Julian hirsch

Mglazer wrote,

"It was Julian Hirsch (RIP), a highly respected reviewer for decades. He did not say that amps (or any other compnents) that measure the same, sound the same. What he did say was that if the measurements of two amps were very good and close to each other, both will sound very good and then it is a matter of personal taste which one prefers. In other words, he established the objective, so the buyer could apply his/her subjective taste. Most reviewers today only focus on the subjective."

Yes, he was highly respected by those that believe you can assess how an amp will sound by measuring some parameter or another. Those who do not believe in such things found out a long time ago that parameters that Julian Hirsch held dear, you know, things likeTHD and frequency response and slew rate, had little or no bearing on the subjective sonics of the amp. In fact, what we actually found out was that amps with extremely low THD sound very much worse than amps with relatively high THD. And amps with very high slew rates did not sound as good as amps with relatively low slew rates.

When you go to buy a TV you walk into the store and pick the one you can afford with the best picture, right? Why shouldn't you pick amplifiers the same way? Follow?
Yes, but with TV's, the salespeople usually adjust the TV's they want to sell as best they can, and "detune" the other ones.
Bo1972, we are a cynical society, since very often hobbyist and commerce collide and the hobbyists feel insecure, uncertain and preyed by dealers/sellers who use the fora to promote their goods and slam others. So, why not follow the advice of very respected sellers/manufacturers, like Duke, Ralph Karsten, Bill Feil and tread that line so carefully that you never give offence. You have crossed that line. You make me uncomfortable. Moderators: how about EVERY post by a commercial vendor is
Always, in each post, followed by the disclaimer, in bold: I SeLL x (if he is espousing x or trashing y). Then we can choose to ignore the post or take it with healthy skepticism. When Ralph Karsten responds, he NEVER pushes his product or rankles any feathers, so he would be exempt because he has no history of conflict. He answers in generalities and technicalities. Bo1972 exceeds the comfort zone. Restrict him in the sense that he should disclose everything every time. It's a tough call, but that's why they pay you the big bucks to moderate:)
We also asked to naim people why people should pay so muc money for 2 dimensional sound. They had no answer for it. For me it is a normal question. We Always go to shows with a few people. We have our own music with us. We go to the dealer day. Often the day after the consumer days. Most of the people I worked with, friends or other people in this business have the same way of thinking I have. Maybe it is typical dutch, I don't know!!
Maybe houses are bigger in the US? When I see the pictures of Wilson Audio speakers here at Audiogon I see bigger rooms. Often special audio rooms and room acoustic treatment. What I said earlier; speakers which need a lot of attention. I never was bashing the brand. Just read better!!