Prima Luna or sonic frontiers or audible illusions

I have an audible illusions 2d. It has served me well for many years. But, it seems I have the upgrade bug of late. I am looking to increase the imaging if possible of my system and am curious if upgrading to the modulus 3a would be a significant improvement. Or, would I be better served with a sonic frontiers sfl1 or line 1/2? Lastly I have to admit that the prima Luna prologue is appealing bc of the exposed tubes. Not sure on the sound though...any advice? Any other choices that have the tubes on display?
I love my SF equipment for two reasons. It all sounds great and is dependable. Second, Chris at Parts ConneXion who designed most of the SF has a full repair and upgrade program. He is knowledgable about the equipment and the TUBES that work best. His upgrade program offers his recent best mods based upon him using any and all parts that are now available. For me, the upgraded stuff is a joy and I have had a part in chosing what works for me. Contact him and he will give you his opinion on what would work best for you.

I have to agree. SF preamps are excellent, even the entry level ones. Given your 3 choices I would definately pick SF.
I would take the Modulus 3A first. I own a 3A and the 3B preamp so I am biased. Second choice would be the Prima Luna. I have heard a lot of their equipment and like what I hear. Last would be the Sonic Frontier as the line is no longer made. Even though the Parts Connection can service it, I personally wouldn't touch it. You should be able to pick up a nice 3A for a grand or less and it has a great phono section too.
I have always heard good things about Chris and sonic frontiers, but I would love to know what ya'll hear as sonic differences bw each pre. The prima is the most tempting bc of the exposed tubes. Aesthetically I just like the exposed tubes. However sound trumps looks by a large margin. Is the prima going to image and soundstage like the ai or sf? Is the sf or upgraded ai going to best my older ai? By what margin? I find it hard to believe I have already reached the dollar/cost threshold...