Tube in Preamp or Power amp?

I have been thinking to move from a solid state int. amp to the tube world. If I were to go separate and if one has to be SS, would it be better to have tube in the preamp or in the power amp? or would it make any difference since I'm mixing tube with ss?
Tube amp will have more of a tube sound. The best is to get both. If you can't afford seperates, get a tube integrated amp like a CarySLI 80. Best of luck.
I have always used a good tube preamp coupled to a solid state amp. IMHO, you get the best of both worlds.
Whichever way you choose to go, matching impedance level between preamp and amp is critical. There are many discussions in the archives.
"I have been thinking to move from a solid state int. amp to the tube world. If I were to go separate and if one has to be SS, would it be better to have tube in the preamp or in the power amp? or would it make any difference since I'm mixing tube with ss?"

That question can't be answered. For example, if you listen to 10 tube preamps, they will all sound different. Same thing with SS preamps, tube power amps, SS amps, etc...

The best way to go about your upgrade is to listen to as many different products you can, and pick the ones that sound the best.