Tube in Preamp or Power amp?

I have been thinking to move from a solid state int. amp to the tube world. If I were to go separate and if one has to be SS, would it be better to have tube in the preamp or in the power amp? or would it make any difference since I'm mixing tube with ss?

I doubt you will get a definitive answer to your question, but you do need to maintain system synergy.

For a tube amp, the speaker's impedance curve should not have substantial dips below the nominal impedance.

For a tube preamp, proper impedance matching to the SS amp must be observed.

If you are going to try a tube component, just make sure it will work properly with the rest of your system.
They do have a highish output impedance so make sure your amp's input impedance is a higher value than the pre's output.
Just being higher is too vague, as it should be at least 10 times higher at all frequencies.
Depends on your system (speakers) and the type of sound you desire. But, I can tell you that there are some pretty darn good tube and solid state pre-amps out there, so simply stating that a tube pre-amp is best is, well, not quite accurate. same for saying that a solid state amp is best coupled to a tube pre-amp. Borrow a few tube and solid state pre-amps and amps that you would be interested in, connect them to your system in your home and listen for yourself. My system currently has a tubed pre-amp, Audio Research REF 3 (would like a REF 5SE, but that isn't happening any time soon), coupled to two Mark Levinson 23.5 amps, driving Martin Logan Monolith III speakers with a Krell KSB balanced electronic crossover configured for my speakers and I am very happy. I have heard the new Audio Research REF 250 tube amps and if I could afford them I would get them immediately. They are on a very short list of the very best amps I have heard. Tube or solid state. And the REF 5 SE is one of the best pre-amps I have heard. So, depending on the sound of the setup, I could go either way. In my system, with the REF 3 driving the crossover and then subsequently driving the two 23.5 amps, this is as close as I'm getting to "there" without spending a ton more money, and contrary to what some may say, the 23.5s are still one of the best amps out there.
