Tube in Preamp or Power amp?

I have been thinking to move from a solid state int. amp to the tube world. If I were to go separate and if one has to be SS, would it be better to have tube in the preamp or in the power amp? or would it make any difference since I'm mixing tube with ss?
one consideration is this... pre-amp tubes rarely blow and last a long time. That said, power amp tubes blow often and do not last as long. I used to do tube power and tube pre-amp but got sick of buying KT-88's all the time. So... tube pre and SS power amp for me.
Bo is onto something. If you are going to keep the speakers you have now, then you would be best served by going w the amp that matches best w your speakers. Lower sensitivity and/or low or significantly varying impedance would argue for a solid state amp and therefore maybe tube pre-ss power. OTOH is your speakers are higher impedance/flat impedance curve w moderate to high sensitivity, then they would match v well w a tube power amp. What speakers do you have/plan on getting?
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Lizzie...whining about criticism instead of responding is a little weird, but if you need to insure you're liked, get a dog. Obviousness? Do you prefer the obtuse? I can do obtuse, but it's pointless...wait...that was an obtuse point that could be interpreted as obviousness if the pointlessness was tranparantly and easily percieved...damn...where's my ax grinder...the fog of the 60s...