Tubes for leben cs600 ?

hi everyone .after i bought my used leben cs600 ,i found that my speakers (devore nines) have lack of details and dynamic.
i thought that the leben is the problem and i considered to buy the line magnetic 218 ia amp,after i got response here in the forum and suggestions that to replace my tubes in my leben better of buying a new LM audio amp (218 ia SET).
i choose to stay with my leben and replace the current tubes that are :
4 - electronic tube 6cs7 (made in usa)
1 - sylvania 6cj3
4 - goldlion kt-77 genalex made in russia.
the 6cj3 look black half of her and the 4 pre tubes (6cs7) look old need to replace. i like to replace all the tubes in my leben 9 new tubes but i dont know what to order for the best resault and to slove the details and dynamic problems ?my dealer in israel say all new 9 tubes of original what leben company put need to be in my leben and it coast to me 400$, or there is another alternative to order and what will be the best for my leben ,i still not know from where to order and what tubes to choose and why
please help me this problem, wait for response
thanks alot.
I suggest you contact Jim McShane and purchase Reflector 6n3ce tubes. They cost about $65.00 for a Quad, that's right, inexpensive, but best according to Jeff Day of Positive Feedback/6 Moons, who conducted a tube shoot out, Google Jeff Day and read. The new Tungsol 120 was not included in this shoot out, and some folks recommend that tube. My brother has the cs600 with the Reflector 6n3ce and they are outstanding. I run these tubes in my Primaluna Dialogue One. Jeff Day and McShane are extremely reliable. For around 260 sheckels for a quad how can you go wrong. Best
I bought Leben cs 600 x and paid 8000 usd
I used it 130 hours. But no treble sound and details.
Only bass and mid range no treble sound  and transparency.  Before I used 1000 usd price melody sp3 tube amplifier that it is play teansparency,detail,dynamics,and musical.
But Leben cs 600 x no.musical,no transparency,no details. This is an catastrophe real catastrophe.
I dont konow wat to do.
Anyone have to change tube after buy this amplifier in.paying 8000 usd.
 İf you sell it you have to use suitable tubes inside there.