Music Servers - Baetis vs. Music Vault

I, like many, are looking to add a music/media server to my system.

Aside from fabulous sound and performance, I really want ease of use, with minimal involvement from a computer.

My preference would be a unit that has the hardware to rip/store my cd's, download high-rez files from the internet, set up playlists and then kick back and enjoy the music.

As I explore the options in the under $5K price range, both Baetis and Music Vault are floating to the top.

Ripping and playing Bluray is a nice bonus, but not critical.

I'm looking for feedback from anyone who has compared these two brands, in your own system or demo'd at a recent audio show.

Which unit sounds best?
Which unit is easiest to use??
Which unit has the most features???
Which unit is the best value????

Thank you.
Hey barrel chief, I've been looking at these as well as the Musica Pristina units (made by the Spectron guys). Unfortunately, haven't heard any of them, and each takes a somewhat different design tack. My only problem with Music Vault is that there is comparatively little technical data on their website, whereas both Baetis and Musica Pristina have tons of info. Baetis may offer a little more bang for the buck, but my problem with Baetis is that they have focused on BNC-spdif connection versus the current darling asynch USB connection, and seem to have payed little attention to the USB other than to include it. Musica Pristina, on the other hand, has focused on USB, if that's important to you. Very interested in following this thread, and hope some owners chime in (I know "dob" has one of the MP versions and loves it, and Baetis just got a very good review in an e-zine, for what it's worth).
Barrelchief- I can't compare, but I can tell you that I just traded my old MV for an Emerald and it knocked my socks off. Neal has been very easy to deal and his units are easy to upgrade. It's very quiet, plays and rips Hi-Rez and Redbook. I know you can get a blueray drive, not sure if it rips them as well. The MV offers asynch USB, wireless, spdif or AES/EBU out and auto-duplication in a raid set-up. As far as detailed technical data I can't give you much info except that mine runs Windows 7, JR Media Center and dbPoweramp. I'm sure Neal can give you a much more detailed run-down. The only downside I can point to is that it's not audio jewelry. Basic HTPC case w a MV badge. But you do get a choice of black or silver!! ;-)

I've also heard the Antipodes, in an unfamiliar system. It sounded very good but did not have auto-duplication and I THINK it was more designed to work w an NAS or other outboard storage. In my system, that would not have worked very well.

If you're in the Northeast, you are welcome to come hear the MV. Neal is in CO, and has always had a room at RMAF FWIW.
I have used the Antipodes servers at shows and they work flawlessly using USB to practically any DAC or USB converter. The SQ is killer, in fact I can hear no difference between FLAC and WAV files like I do with PCs or Macs. Highly recommended.

Antipodes cables are also some of the best on the market too, if not the best. I used to manufacture silver cables and these are awesome.

No affiliation other than using their devices at shows sometimes.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio