Emo dumps Carver, the Carver site is down.

I don't think it was a bait and switch but it could be me being naive. That and my perspective is coming in from a consumer not a dealer who was mistreated. I've bought Emotiva gear in the past and it has been a pleasant non problematic experience. I just think this was Emotiva overreaching again, them not being able to make the acquisition work or handle it properly. Emotiva has so many products now and some of the quality has been so so from what I've read. Sometimes I wish they would just concentrate on a couple of things rather than spread themselves thin.
they will copy them and release them at a much lower price point after having them made in China.
Good! Can't beat lower prices with same quality.

That and my perspective is coming in from a consumer not a dealer who was mistreated
Dealers just take your order and everything is drop ship these days ... don't stock anything so not sure how dealers are mistreated but just lose a product line.
Emotiva deserves more credit than it gets . It was probally doomed at the beginning . Bob Carver as talented as he is , needs to be on his own .
Jakeman, agree on all points. I hope Bob left without losing anything, but I'll bet Emotiva from the beginning wanted to get a look at his designs.
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