How do I break in a tube amplifier?

I should be taking delivery of my Yaqin MC-30L tube amplifier this weekend. I believe the dealer is going to set it up and bias it and may even let it run for a few hours before I pick it up. It's going to be a 2nd system sharing speakers with my primary home theater system so I will have few opportunities to leave it running for extended periods of time.

Does it do any good to just leave the amplifier turned on or does it actually need to by playing music?
I have pre-amp outputs available, the concern that I had was having two points of volume control. My EE buddy reminded me that I just needed to the the receiver volume at 0db and the input signal should effectly pass through without attenuation.
Well, I managed to get the on and off sequence backwards, but it seems to survive. I did get right at 3 hours of listening (not all 100% supervised) and plan to sleep for at least 3 hours so should be able to comply with that rule at least this time. An enjoyable evening of Christmas music.
Listening round 2 ended with the power going out. We will be gone most of the day so I just shut the power conditioner down until we get back.
Just play the damn amp!!!

It will brake in on it's own. Are you an idiot or what?