How do I break in a tube amplifier?

I should be taking delivery of my Yaqin MC-30L tube amplifier this weekend. I believe the dealer is going to set it up and bias it and may even let it run for a few hours before I pick it up. It's going to be a 2nd system sharing speakers with my primary home theater system so I will have few opportunities to leave it running for extended periods of time.

Does it do any good to just leave the amplifier turned on or does it actually need to by playing music?
Tube amps are generally more natural sounding than ss though certainly the design, parts quality and overall synergy with your speakers and the rest of your system remain the most important variables for best sound. I'm not familiar with your brand (I'm assuming it's built in the far east)but many general guidelines have been shared here already. Try to remember simply to have your amp be "ON' the shortest time period versus the rest of your system...this will mean, as previously mentioned: "Last ON, First OFF", and that will go a long way to avoiding unforeseen accidents.
As for actual break-in, yes, playing music through them is ideal because the caps and transformers and all throughout are actually processing a signal which is much better than simply idling on.If I were you and I knew I would be home for a couple of hrs at least, I would turn it on and play some music through it (CD player on 'repeat' or better yet, just a tuner). In a few weeks you'll be close enough that you have a couple hundred playing hrs and I'm sure you'll be satisfied by then.

Tubes typically like about a half hr to warm up and sound their best but again, it depends on the particular model. I have found that some are faster to sounding their best, than others.
For example, my VTL monos were pretty good after 30 minutes but were better by 60... I could still hear improvement even later and by 2+ hours they were simply engrossing with all their attributes at full bloom (rich tone, amazing staging and focus...). Note that by then they were certainly running at a [literally] "hot" temperature as well.
My CJ monos were a decidedly different animal in so much as they really wanted at least 45 -50 minutes or so before they started sounding decent and over an hr before they were truly listenable critically. On the other hand they never became especially more than warm to the touch unless I was doing some sort of 5-10 hr listening marathon at generally loud levels as this could lead to "slightly" hot.
The last example I'll mention is my Cary amp (which I still have) and the Cary has even more 'personality' than either of the others. It has the greatest difference in sound quality between cold and 'fully cookin', and unlike the VTL and CJ it simply wants well over an hour (and really a good 2 hrs) before sounding really listenable but by then it is simply amazing: pure seductive tone, rich mids, surprising punch and extension as well as great width and depth of stage with excellent imaging. But it does run Hot. Yes, it's designed to do so and its been perfectly reliable but it is the only one of the crowd where you want to be conscious of it a bit more.
By coincidence I happen to be breaking in my "End of game" amps right now, my TRL GT 200's which use heavy, solid core copper wiring, massive transformers and Duelund cast caps...all of which will need in excess of 750 - 1000+ hrs before sounding their consistent best. I have over 400 hrs on them so far and they are already magnificent...they are remarkably cool and stable and running them 24/7 (over the weekends at least) is not an issue.
I hope this gives you a little better idea how tube amps will vary but that in general, they are great music makers and IMHO (and many others) well worth their bit of extra care. Happy Lissn'n
I notice with my gear that after 30 minutes the sound starts to have better imaging and soundstage;after about 1 hour of listening the system sounds right to my ears.
I think you will know when it had broken in for you; it may translate into feet moving and other physical reaction as well;(air guitar,drumming,singing or even conducting the symphony;some type of envolvement).
Tubes are fantastic and a very fun part of this hobby just enjoy it.
I don't monitor the warmup of my tube amp because it's generally on providing background music from the moment I start my day until I can get around to doing some "active listening." I can comment of guitar tube amps though, because when I plug in to practice or record or simply try to entertain my neighbors, It really settles in after 20 minutes to a half hour or so...this with any one of a number of tube amps I currently use, and especially with a Class A amp I just bought. So there.
My tube amplifier is in a cabinet that I either leave the door open on or just remove when the amp is running. I have noticed that if I turn the amp on and leave the door shut for a few minutes it really warms up much faster.

Is this a good way to speed up the warm up process? Obviously, I don't plan to leave the door closed for a long period of time, but it seems that 5 or 10 minutes could really speed up the process of getting the amplifier closer to fully warm operating condition.

Is heating up faster significantly harder on the tubes themselves?
I just upgraded my Cary 300SEI. All the upgrades will take 300 hours to break in, partly due to the Duelund Silver Bypass Capacitors. For the first 150 hours, I’m running it 15 hours a day using my tuner and cheap headphones. I’m using cheap tubes for this part of the break-in. I’m not comfortable leaving it on while I’m sleeping.

For the next 150 hours, I’ll put in my good tubes and use my good headphones to just enjoy the music, mostly through my CD player. And I’ll run the burn-in track on my IsoTek Full System Enhancer CD an hour each day. I’ll use the cheap headphones during this time. The IsoTek CD really helps in speeding up the break-in process. I use the 5 minute demagnetization track one a week and it makes a very audible improvement.