Sometimes you have to figure out what you want and then look for it. You can ask all the questions that you want on a forum, but you are the only one who knows what you are willing to put up with in order to save some money. If you are a good shopper, you will save on new gear if you find a motivated seller. The other thing to keep in mind is that when you go brick and mortar, you get someone who will be there when something goes wrong. I'm about to get Vandy Treo's. If I wait a few more months, maybe I can save a thousand or two by getting them used, but I found a dealer I really like and he's even willing to drive two hours to set them up. What are services like that worth? Also, keep in mind that you are buying a system and not all products go together. At least at a real store, they know what does sound best with each other and you won't be wasting time and money trying to chase that elusive perfect sound. They will know your room and what your ear is like and make recommendations based on that. For the little that you will save on reburb, maybe you should find a local dealer in your area and listen to everything for yourself and let them help you out. Just a thought as then you will have a unit that will be worth even more if and when you decide to sell it off in the future.