Dynakit 70 Stereo Question

I recently bought a house and found two Dynakit 70 Stereo amps? in the attic. I don't know what I've got and am looking for guidance and some education. I can see tubes through the cover and thought there might be some interest from collectors.
As in life, condition is everything. If you sell, but sure to make no representation as to functional or operational condition. If an e-Bay sale, safest to say sold as parts only. If stored in an attic, the temperature would often be of the extremes, making condition very problematic. As for sound, I have knockoffs of the design and they are great sounding amps.
Thanks to all for taking the time to respond! Your great comments, suggestions and insights are very much appreciated. Now I have some thinking to do...maybe a new hobby.
Another idea is to send the these amps to Will Vincent he gives you credit for original transformers. Will's Stereo 70 and Triode Stereo 70 are great sounding amplifiers, and his build quality is a work of art...