Focal Maestro Utopia , need advice for AMP/PRE

i bought Maestro Utopia , i should get them next week

this is my current setup:
acoustic zen silver reference ii XLR interconnect
Cardas Clear speaker cable
wireworld platinum usb cable
Focal Electra 1038 be II
Pass labs X350.5
Pass labs Xp10 pre
Oppo BDP-105
PC computer

my setup can drive the new speakers well or i should consider more powerful Amp?
i red review , using Clasee 600 Amp to drive it
they said that this speakers need a lot of power.

Reading the specs on your speakers the X350.5 is more than enough power. They are 93db with a 4ohm nominal impedance and dropping to a minimum of 3ohm; a fairly easy load for the 350.5 in my opinion.


Streophile Review:

they wrote that this speaker need powerfull AMP
"However, it demands to be used with amplifiers unfazed by its wicked load impedance in the upper bass."

...From the review: your Pass qualifies.
Don't be influenced by your dealer that you need a new amp.
Pelo..., congratulations on your new Focals. Although I don't know much about the Focal line, you may want to reach out to Albert Porter. His system is always attracting comments in Virtual Systems. Albert's rig includes Focal Maestro Utopias.

Btw, the Focal 1038 - Be II are on my short list of speakers that I'm eyeing -- or better, "earing"??. Can you share any thoughts about the 1038s? Are they high current power hogs? My amp is an ARC Ref 150 tube amp which is rated at 150 wpc and has relatively low output impedance. Any thoughts about compatibility?
I've had the opportunity to hear most of the Focal Utopia speakers at one time or another, but I'm not 100% sure if I've heard the model you have. I know I have heard the Diablo, Stella, Grande, and one of the ones in the middle of the range.

My experience is fairly limited, but I've never left the store impressed when Aesthetix amplification was being used. Every time that I'm blown away it has always been Krell amplification being used.

What's crazy, I was blown away the last time I stopped at the store and the setup was a pair of Focal 807v speakers with the Krell S-300i and I came home more "unhappy" with my system that day that I had on previous trips with the Stella and Grande speakers hooked up to Asthetix gear.

My point is that you should hear any Asthetix gear (really any gear) before making the investment. The people at the store are obviously happy with the combination, but it's never been my cup of tea.