Focal Maestro Utopia , need advice for AMP/PRE

i bought Maestro Utopia , i should get them next week

this is my current setup:
acoustic zen silver reference ii XLR interconnect
Cardas Clear speaker cable
wireworld platinum usb cable
Focal Electra 1038 be II
Pass labs X350.5
Pass labs Xp10 pre
Oppo BDP-105
PC computer

my setup can drive the new speakers well or i should consider more powerful Amp?
i red review , using Clasee 600 Amp to drive it
they said that this speakers need a lot of power.

I would listen to the speakers prior to any amp replacement and then if you feel it is necessary you may want to look at the Pass X600.5's or move to the XA series say the 160 or 200 .5's or if you really want to drop some coin try the XS series.


XS have crazy price.
XA 160 or 200 , those are sweet Class A
but they have the power to push that king of speakers ?

I received your message via Audiogon system, thank you for asking my opinion on Focal.

I'm not sure my experience precisely applies to your system, I'm pretty much a tube guy all the way and our speaker are not identical although both are from Focal.

I do agree with other comments in this thread, having just read them. The Pass Labs amp should be more than enough power and I also agree with comments that it would be a better choice than the Aesthetix.

I used Aesthetix IO and Callisto for more than a decade and always speak highly of them, but I'm not a fan of their solid state sound, especially compared to Pass and Gryphon (two of my favorite).

I very much agree with Czbbcl, go for more powerful Pass if you must use solid state. If I were going to solid state that's exactly where I would be looking.

You're getting a lot of good advice here already. The most important thing beyond your equipment choice is BREAK IN.

My Focal Grande Utopia EM have almost 1400 hours on them and each week the sound improves. I've been communicating with Focal for months on the topic of break in and the general consensus is 1500 hours is required before one can truly judge what their design is capable of.

I think most speaker companies would not be this forthcoming for fear of losing customers looking for instant gratification.

Audiogon shows we are only a few hours apart by car. If you wish, you're welcome to come listen with us. Even better, a Tuesday night puts you with our whole group of music lovers.

Last comment on break in, I will warn you. My Focal Grande sounded absolutely terrible for the first 200 hours. I pretty much had to leave the room and let them play. Between 300 and 500 hours the sound got good enough to have hope but nothing like they are showing now.

I'm reminded of the story about the ugly duckling that grew to be a beautiful swan. My Focal have changed so much it's beyond belief. Be patient with your new speakers before you spend more money.
Thanks Albertporter

what about DAC?
do you think it's the weak link in my system?
or you see any other weak link?
You are using the same DAC as me, the Oppo BDP-105. For the money it's unbeatable but in my system it's third choice quality for playback source.

If I had digital only I would absolutely upgrade but I cannot tell you what would work because I have not found it myself. I had a couple of the hot cheap DACs here this last month and they were better and worse than the Oppo depending on listening preference.

You will likely have to spend some serious money to get a super quality DAC. This seems to be an area where the best is in great dispute and there are countless "good to great" DACs in the race with no clear winner. At least not that I'm aware of.

You ask about other weak links. Looking at your listening room it may be your only choice but it's not ideal. Putting the system on a short wall and listening at greater distance and some room treatments would be a completely different world.

After that address cable or whatever else.