Focal Maestro Utopia , need advice for AMP/PRE

i bought Maestro Utopia , i should get them next week

this is my current setup:
acoustic zen silver reference ii XLR interconnect
Cardas Clear speaker cable
wireworld platinum usb cable
Focal Electra 1038 be II
Pass labs X350.5
Pass labs Xp10 pre
Oppo BDP-105
PC computer

my setup can drive the new speakers well or i should consider more powerful Amp?
i red review , using Clasee 600 Amp to drive it
they said that this speakers need a lot of power.

You are using the same DAC as me, the Oppo BDP-105. For the money it's unbeatable but in my system it's third choice quality for playback source.

If I had digital only I would absolutely upgrade but I cannot tell you what would work because I have not found it myself. I had a couple of the hot cheap DACs here this last month and they were better and worse than the Oppo depending on listening preference.

You will likely have to spend some serious money to get a super quality DAC. This seems to be an area where the best is in great dispute and there are countless "good to great" DACs in the race with no clear winner. At least not that I'm aware of.

You ask about other weak links. Looking at your listening room it may be your only choice but it's not ideal. Putting the system on a short wall and listening at greater distance and some room treatments would be a completely different world.

After that address cable or whatever else.

I hear you concerning crazy money for the XS amps. By the way you purchased a fantastic pair of speakers.

In my opinion either the 160.5 or 200.5's would provide plenty of power to drive your Focals. You can always contact Mark at Reno HiFi and audition them in your system and if they don't work out simply send them back, your only cost is shipping to and fro; truly a great person to work with.
Meljo's post suggests that the Focal Maestros will sound their best with a solid state power beast. Another heavy duty power beast is Bryston. I surmise that tube amps may not bring out the Focal's best.
Thanks Pelo ..., but I gotta pass for now. If one more new piece of gear comes into the house, it'll be like death on a cracker for me. Still tryin' to figure out how I managed to keep my head when getting the "new" ARC Ref 150 into the house and the "old" ARC VS-115 out. :-(

But as I said, I'll be keepin an eye out for the Focals and Revlon Studio 2. My biggest concern is whether the Ref 150 has the ooohhmmph to drive them to their best.

Btw, I read Atkinson's review of the Maestros. Quite impressive. But he cautioned that one needs a lot of power to get them to sound their best.

JA made special note of the Focal's beryllium tweeter. I know Focal, Revel, Usher and Paradigm use beryllium dome tweeters. Could be others too. As I have mentioned, I have Paradigm Signature 8 v3 speakers, which have the "be" tweeters. Very impressive high end.
more and more Focal owner recommend me to use Accuphase
they said it's on different class then almost anything with Utopia models.

anybody here think the same?
what model have enough power to drive the Maestro at their best?