Accuphase A-65 or A-200 , can i import from Japan?

to the US

prices there are much better.

the AC there is 100V
there is a way to use it here?
if i will ask Accuphase US dealer to make the AMP 110V
(and pay for the conversion) , is it possible?

any info about the import procces will be appreciate

A properly designed isolation transformer - especially if you go balanced power out, will improve sound quality not degrade it.

A crappy undersized voltage converter most certainly will.

Good Listening

Yeah, Czarivey, you're paying roughly $20k more here in the US just for that warranty, which isn't even that long. Then you have to deal with sending money overseas, which can be risky if not through a reputable dealer. The whole thing is crazy, really.
Peter ,
"properly designed isolation transformer"
do you have an example for one?

$26,500 it's the price for Pair or one Amp ?!
i don't get it , usually the price in the USA are the cheapest compare to the rest of the world.

Send me an email and we can discuss your options, I can surely have a isolation transformer made for you.

Good Listening
