Krell KSA-200s First Time Use

Ok in experimenting with the KSA-200S for the first time, in plugging it in to the wall socket (not connected to speakers or anything else) it comes on for a few seconds, then shuts off. Any ideas as to what is going on? Is this normal?
Hi, what I have been tring to say, it seems no one understands, I am tring to say that the ops krell ksa 200s amp has to be sharring power with something else in the house, and the breaker he has is tripping because its to much, and the amp is starving, so it shuts off because of the lack of sufficient current, if the op just runs a dedicated line and circuit, btw, is cheap to do, if the problem then is not solved, his amp has damage!, the amp should work correctly when its not connected to speakers, my krell does, and all the krells I have ever had did too!, cheers gentleman.
I agree, the KSA 200S does not need a load attached when powered on, it even states that in the manual.

Question for Audiolabyinth. Why doesn't the OP's 15amp circuit trip if the load is too great? The KSA 200S at idle only consumes 150 watts.
I use to have a Krell FPB 200 and the manual "Recommends" a 20 amp circuit. My house was built in 1997. Most to outlets a 20 amps. When starting up the Krell, the lights in my listening room would dim for the second. It was a me issue, I had too many devices on the circuit. I put in a dedicated 20 amp.

Advice to original poster: 1. Call Krell. 2. Locate and trace the power circuit, unplug all the devices on the circuit, then test the amp.
Audiolabyrinth; The OP didn't say that the panel circuit breaker tripped. He said that the amp shuts off. Those are two entirely different things. I believe the problem may be a low voltage sagging problem at turn on, due to inrush and current draw that causes a quick voltage sag on the wiring. The amps low voltage protection circuity may be activating.
@ Vegasears, Agreed!, Your post is exactly what I am tring to say!, @ Brf Hi,vegasears has the answer to your question in his post that I would have said, another answer BRf would be his amp may be damaged, the other would be the safty breaker inside the amp is working before the house breaker does, recently, my amp flipped to standby all the time, it did not flip the house breaker, I had issues with the amp thou, another reason I had the amp completly renewed, I am not saying the ops amp has issues, that would be a bummer if he bought a faulty amp!, cheers.