Warm, Smooth yet Transparent Amp

Hello All,
I am currently running an Arcam AVR300 for movies and music, 60/40 respectively. The music portion just isn't happening. Everything works but I'm not getting that "involved/pull you in" kind of feeling. I have gone through several pairs of speakers, Proac tablette 50, Triangle Titus 202, Von Schweikert VR1s and currently Vandersteen 1C. Since this is a wide array of speakers, I've come to the conclusion it must be the amplification.

So now I'm thinking of adding a 2 channel amp running out of the front channels "out". I don't like harsh, shrill highs, but rather a fuller, sweet sounding, yet transparent. Is this possible without spending several thousands of dollars? I am trying to keep it under 1200.00 so used but quality is what I'm hoping for. If Possible. I know that all of you knowledgeable people would have an answer.

I'm also running an Oppo 83 blu ray/cd. Dish K722 receiver for TV. Listen to FM, CDs and MP3 through the Oppo. I'm looking for all the things I have read about on these forums over the years. Good Imaging, transparency, involving. I've read good things about Conrad Johnson MF2250 (affordable used) and I just missed out on one on Ebay, earlier today. Now I'm just frustrated I guess.

Please assist if you can. Oh, I like folk rock, rock, certain new age kind of music. Examples, Dave Matthews, Eric Clapton, Sarah McLaughlin, and everything in between, *chuckle*. Any and All suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Mark, I'll keep an eye out. Atmassphere, your explanation was amazing. Made total sense. Is it safe to assume that you are some type of audio engineer?

As my Mama use to say, "Try to learn something new every day" well I certainly did today. Thank you!

Hello all,
Sorry for the delay with my reply. Had surgery on Friday and it took a couple of days to recoop.

I would like to try the "tube amp" approach for my 2 channel listening. Mark had a recommendation of a Musical Reference RM-10 and from what I've read about it, it sounds like a pretty nice amp but I think, as he said, it may take a very long time before one shows up here for sale. And the odds are it won't be $1,000 or lower. Would you please list your top 3 tube amps that might sell for under $1,000. If it's a quality amp then I'm sure this will be a used price. It would now become a "belated" Christmas present to myself. :)
