The future of preamps

I still use one, but I wonder if their days are numbered. To those who have removed the preamp from their system, have there been any regrets? Anyone gone back to using a preamp after having removed it?

if his source has volume control" it will be the most transparent, dynamic, and least coloured way of getting the sound of the CDP/DAC to the poweramps.

Georgelofi, this is not really true, unless that source also has the ability to control the cable. If it does not a preamp may well be more transparent, more dynamic, wider bandwidth, etc. despite being an extra gain stage.

As you well know, many sources have compromised volume controls where the compromise allows for remote control. In fact this very reason is why many manufacturers do quite well selling line stages. You install the preamp, turn the volume control on the source all the way up, and use the volume control in the preamp *because it sounds better*: more bandwidth, resolution, transparency, etc.

Now a manufacturer of CDPs and the like could fix this problem but so far very few of them even recognize that its even possible to control the cable, let alone how to do it, so for the foreseeable future there will be a market for active line stages for precisely the kind of product you mentioned.
You you didn't even bother to look before making ridiculous statements of this system quote:
"this is not really true, unless that source also has the ability to control the cable."
You put a White Paper out on this Atmasphere and you'll be shot down in flames. Mathematically how is the Nuforce not going to control the interconnects to the Belles?? You flat earthers are just too much!!!

Phusis sytstem:
Nuforce dac 9 has RCA Output impedance: 0.01 Ohm. It also has Output Voltage: RCA 2.0/4.0Vrms adjustable.

Belles SA30 30w Class A:Input impedance 100kohm. Input sensitivity .74v for full rated output.

hORNS Mummy MkII speakers: 94db sensitivity

Cheers George
this is starting to get ugly here!!! :( flame retardant suit required before entry.......
12-19-13: Georgelofi
Nuforce dac 9 has RCA Output impedance: 0.01 Ohm.
I see that in the specs at their website, and in the manual. Surely it is a typo, though?

-- Al