Best sounding integrated between $1500-$3000

There seems to be a lot more new integrated amps on the market recently, and also a fair amount of used pieces on AG. I have seen other threads in the past on AG asking:.... "Best integrated Period"

I have even posted about older integrateds, and was surprised at the response for Musical Fidelity "300" series IAs. There are ads for used good to very good condition integrateds like YBA, Edge, Krell, Redgum, Pathos, Audio by Van Altine, etc.. I think the question should be amended to include the attached rider: :What is (not only) the best sounding integrated amps BUT best value between $1500-$3000??
Might consider Marantz integrateds in that range, new or used. Not currently using one of them, but I have in the past and liked them.
@ sunnyjim, Oh no, Not the krell s300I, I am talking about the original Kav 300I intergrated and the krell 400xI, both of these units are made in america, and are not quirky what so ever, as a matter of fact Jim, the two units here are some of the most reliable little intergrateds ever made in my opinion, To further elaborate on the two here, I would say the Kav 300I is on the warm side of solid state, where is the 400xI is on the neutral side of sound, I personally prefer the Kav 300I if your cables are revealing, both amps are a good choice for the going used price, whats funny is they out perform units that cost many times the money.
I have been extremely happy with my Rogue Audio Cronus (non-magnum "regular" version) for six years now, first driving Vandersteen 1C's and now matched beautifully with Revel F-12's. The sound of music is sublime, and I am a firm supporter of the Rogue Audio brand. But just to comment and disagree with a concern expressed in SunnyJim's Jan. 10 post ..... the Cronus certainly does not need "bimonthly biasing." I listen to my system, on average, about 15 - 18 hours a week, and I check the tube bias very month. I have not had to adjust the bias since I "upgraded" my tubes (original Svetlana EL-34's replaced by Genelex Gold Lion KT-77's) three years ago, and the bias has remained constant at the recommended 35 level for each of the four tubes. So SunnyJim, if tube biasing is a real concern of yours ... don't worry about it !

And from what I have heard from several folks who know quite a lot about music and audio, the Rogue Audio Cronus is a wonderful amp for the Acoustic Zen Adagio's. Good Luck with your search for a new amp, and please let us all know how things work out for you.
Sunnyjim, characteristics of my Rogue CM were wide open spaces, absolutely no harshness, extremely powerful sounding, great detail at the lower frequencies. With some music it could sound a tad grainy depending on the tubes I was running, but that never really bothered me. I always felt like I was in a dark smokey jazz club with that amp.

The reason I sold it was I wanted to try out a solid state. I love my Hegel although the unexpected result was having to purchase a REL B2 sub. I didn't need a sub with the Rogue.

The Rogue offers a lot of integrated amp for the money. The build quality is very good as well. I never felt I could do better for the money.