Can my MC275 power speakers with 91db sensitivity

I am looking to buy some songs faber cremona speakers with the following specs:

91 dB SPL (2,83 V/1m).

4 ohm.

I have the most recent MC275. Would my amp have enough power?
My recommendation would be to try Tannoy, something like the Kensington, which, if you find on the used market, should be similar in price to used Cremonas, or maybe even less.

Although my Tannoy HPD 315's (12" Dual Concentric) are custom built, their drive characteristics probably aren't too different from the Kensingtons.

The point being, I am able use two quite different amps to successfully drive them in a fairly large room (16' X 34' W/cathedral ceiling). A very powerful VAC PA 35.35 push-pull EL 34 amp @35Wpc, and a SET 300B amp at 9Wpc.

Try to get out and audition some Tannoy speakers, and see what you think.
Could you recommend a such a speaker?
Some of the following may be significantly more expensive than the Cremona, and/or unlikely to be frequently available used, but fwiw most or all of the models offered by the following manufacturers would be suitable matches, and are generally well regarded:

Tannoy (as Dan recommended), Daedalus, Coincident, Audiokinesis, Audio Note, Devore, Zu Audio, Tonian, Horning.

It might also be worthwhile to search "MC275" in the Audiogon virtual systems section to see what speakers others are using with that amp.

-- Al
Dear Al,

I just saw that their updated (and better looking) speaker, the Olympica III, has a lower sensitivity:
90 dB SPL (2.83 V/1m). NOMINAL

4 ohm.

50W – 300W, without clipping.

Perhaps these would be a better match for my amp?
I couldn't find an impedance curve for the Olympica III, so I'm not sure. But given its 4 ohm nominal impedance and sensitivity that is similar to the Cremona (1 db is a trivial difference, and in this case is in the wrong direction), without further information I would not have confidence that it would be a good match.

To be sure it's clear, everything else being equal a higher sensitivity (defined as SPL as a function of input voltage) would work in your favor. Note that the negative reference to greater sensitivity in the John Atkinson statement I quoted referred to sensitivity to amplifier choice, not to SPL sensitivity.

Also, I see that the Olympica III is listed at $13.5K. There are lots of good choices in that price range which can be confidently predicted to be good matches, including models from many of the manufacturers I mentioned above.

-- Al