Amp suggestions


I'm thinking about upgrading my Parasound A21 amp. I'm driving PSB 4 ohm speakers and my rig is set up for 90% vinyl, 10% digital. Units I've considered in the $5-6000 dollar price range include:

McIntosh MC302

Bryston 4B-SST2

Pass Labs XA30.5

I don't play at very loud levels, but the 30WPC of the Pass concerns me a little especially given the 90 percent vinyl.

Any other brands and input greatly appreciated!
I would also consider looking for the XA60.5's at the top end of your budget. Always been impressed with their performance when auditioning at local dealers. If not for their size, I was considering switching from my current Rowland 312 to the Pass Labs XA100's.
Yes, I'm curious as to how the A21 sounds with the PSB's, and what models they are. For that matter, what's the rest of the system?
If you have balanced outputs from your preamp my Krell FPB 400 cx is for sale at less than your price range. Superb amp.
Thanks for all your input, The PSB,s are the Synchrony One B, Parasound P7 pre-amp, Rythmik Audio F-112 sub, VPI Classic One Turntable w/ Lyra Delos and Fosgate Signature pre-amp.

Although the PSB's are bookshelf, I'm satisfied with the mids , percussive bass depth and tightness with the Rythmik dialed in. My issue is how bass guitar is being reproduced. It's hard to explain, but bass notes have an almost annoying , over powering drone that distracts from the rest of the music. Tone controls on the P7 are off. I turned them on once and well you can guess the awful results. Maybe upgrading the amp is not the right step?