What about the Belles SA-100?

This is what I read on a UK website on the Belles SA-100 amplifier:
'SA-100 represents one of the most musical and involving amplifiers available on the market today at virtually any cost. The musical cohesion and captivation this amplifier generates is quite astonishing whilst giving you all the detail and nuances that complete the music.'
It also says somewhere it was inspired by the DarTZeel NHB-108 power amplifier.

I must admit this amp is pretty good, and so I am wondering why, in contrast to the SA-30 or 350A, there aren't any user reviews of this amplifier available. Are there any users of the SA-100 on this forum?
It is interesting what you are saying. Earlier I have had JR monoblocks, but as good as these were, they could not even stand in the shadow of the Belles. The SA-100 is such an open window for every kind of music. But also needs a proper match and time to open up to reach its peak. If you have the opportunity to audition one, then you should.
I guess you are right that marketing may play a role here; unknown, unloved. When I was looking for a new amp my dealer suggested to audition the Belles SA-30, even while my speakers have a difficult load. I decided for the SA-100 as that was the one available for a demo while I was visiting him. I instantly loved it, though it took quite a while to run in the amp. And I still have the feeling that it is getting better every day. So similar to your experiences with the SA-30, this is phenomenally good amplifier, second to none. It is a true gem.
Not sure about the politics, but perhaps these amps are too cheap...?

Noortje --

I certainly did circle the SA-100 as well before deciding on the SA-30, but in the end based my decision without auditioning the former; it had not yet arrived at my dealer, and when I borrowed the brand new SA-30 it soon became very clear - even without being run-in and merely few hours of use - that something very special had entered my setup, and that it was there to stay. A little later when the SA-100's ended in my dealers hands I opted to inquire on his impressions and what he thought about it (I've known my dealer for some years now, and very much share his sonic preferences as his ways to describe them), mainly because I wanted to learn whether the SA-100 as a class A/B amp (and a smaller electrical bill) could deliver likewise compared to the pure class A SA-30. To the best of his hearing abilities it's a close run between the two, to be expected, with the SA-30 perhaps being slightly warmer (in more than one sense) and with a bit more "meat and blood" to the sound. This being so could also have something to do with the fact that the SA-30 had more playing-hours in it compared to its sibling, but that being said I wouldn't be surprised if the SA-30 - by sonic design, so to speak - had a richer tonality. A main reason for deciding on the SA-30 has to do with my speakers, which are fairly sensitive at ~93dB, and a possible future speaker upgrade (not until after a year or so) would be to even more sensitive alternatives (read: 96dB), so there's plenty of power at hand in the SA-30 - even with my existing speakers. First and foremost though the SA-30 couples wonderfully with my hORNS Mummy speakers, which uses drive units from the pro-sector.

Whether the SA-30/SA-100 is too cheap, I'm inclined to yell out "No, no no no!" There's the rationale with some (in no way directed towards you, Noortje) who are drawn rather slavishly to the (unspoken) mantra "the more expensive the better/more desirable," but they have plenty of alternatives. Let the rest of us enjoy excellent sound where it is more affordable and more reasonbly priced in relation to its qualities :)
Phusis, with 91 dB my speakers are a little less responsive than yours. Sound wise I was quite happy with the 2 x 40 W solid state I had, which nevertheless had some difficulties to drive my speakers, in particular in the bass area. That was the main reason why I went for something else. I hadn't heard of Belles, but my dealer, whom I also know for a long time, said that considering my tastes I should go for the SA-30. But a Belles distributor and a few other people convinced me that my speakers would be happy with some more power. They were right.
Of course the Belles SA-100 is serious money, but compared to the competition in this price range, nevertheless great value. Getting a great wine for 10 dollars usually makes more fun than getting a similar one for 100 dollars. That is how I feel about it.
Noortje --

What speakers do you use, if I may ask? I understand the rationale behind getting more power for them, and in the case of the SA-100 you might have yourself an extra headroom in the vicinity of 3dB's compared to the SA-30. Mr. Belles is very conservative when it comes to watt specs, and I believe the SA-30 has been measured to output about 50 watts (8 ohms), and likewise I suppose the SA-100 will follow this pattern as well delivering more than its specified 100 watts.
Speakers represent very different loads though, sensitivity being equal, and the same goes for amps and their ability to drive speakers - watts specs being equal as well; my dealer's speakers count a pair of S.P. Technology Revelations, and though they're specified just below 90dB sensitivity (almost in the high-ish end in the typical hifi regime) they can "suck dry," or worse yet bring into stability-trouble many rather powerful amps. However the SA-30, even at a measly 30(/50) watts, swung them around easily and never lost its composure, and one is surprised how far relatively few watts will get you.
And yet, another friend of mine got a pair of S.P. Tech Rev's as well, and they're coupled up via DSP filters (i.e.: no passive filters) directly to an Earthquake Cinenova Grande 7 multichannel power amp in bridged mode, resulting in some 1200 watts to the SEAS bass/mid units alone, and here one is certainly aware of bottomless power that yields tremendous dynamic breathing room that further reveals the limitations of some 50 watts. Ease is one of the keywords here, though it's achievable by other means (very sensitive speakers with pro units coupled to smaller, simpler amps).

Of course the Belles SA-100 is serious money, but compared to the competition in this price range, nevertheless great value. Getting a great wine for 10 dollars usually makes more fun than getting a similar one for 100 dollars. That is how I feel about it.

Indeed the SA-100 and SA-30 are serious money (they retail for the same), but I fully agree they're great value. I'd like to see them compared to the more established brands (Pass and others), and I have no doubt whatsoever that they'll more than hold their own with their authentic sonic imprinting. If the reviewers do not notice Belles amps the way they deserve, we'll have to voice up for others to see their worth :)
Marqmike --

My 150a ref v2 took roughly 850 hours to reach it's peak. As good as it was about every week I was happily suprised that new nuances of sound for a more positive and natural presentation would rear it beautiful head.I don't know if most wait long enough on these to rear them at their best. But from about 200 hours mine was about 90%-95% there. And at that point even the amp was a stellar performer.


Interesting you should mention the long "burn-in" period of the Belles amps. My SA-30 has some 350+ hours of use as is, and the latest 50 hours or so has really seen it blossoming, and still continuing to do so. I've experienced a rather odd sonic development, whereafter the first 50-75 (or even 100) hours or so the sound began tilting towards the slightly meager and pale, even somewhat hard at times, but during the last weeks it has settled into a wonderfully organic, free-flowing, resolving, and coherent presentation - indeed extremely impressive. Music just pours out of the speakers, unrestrained and alive.