transformers/output impedance

I'm confused, or is it a question accepted that the use of output transformers for tube amplifiers, aims to lower the output impedance of the same, to match with the impedance of the speakers? However, how can a passive device (transformer) influence the output impedance of an active amplifier unit? I say that the output impedance is a characteristic of the amplifying machine, and transformers only optimize the ratio of its ability to deliver current, with the current requirements of the speaker, easily translated by its impedance
160562 .... you are wandering in the same technical mind (pun intended) field that I found myself. What Kijanki said is spot on. You may find it helpful to retrace the steps I have taken to avoid the land "minds" I stepped on by pulling some of my posts.

One interesting post in particular dealt with "back impedance matching." IOW, output trannies work both ways. The output tranny steps down output tube voltage and impedance characteristics to the match speaker load. At the same time, a speaker's impedance characteristics, which vary as a function of frequency, are stepped up on the primary side of the tranny. This is the load the output tube "see."

As Ralph (Atmasphere) and Al (Almarg) have explained, output tubes operate best (i.e., low distortion and power delivery) if presented with a load (impedance) that falls within the tubes "sweet spot." Since speaker loads vary as a function of frequency, the output tubes may operate outside their sweet spot. If so, power delivery and distortion may suffer to some degree.

The optimum solution: if using a tube amp, (i) select speakers with a ruler flat impedance curve that corresponds to the output taps (e.g., 4, 8 or 16 ohms; preferably 4 or 8), (ii) )zero phase angle characteristics and (iii) high sensitivity. Good luck with finding a speaker possessing all of these characteristics at the same time ... and that sounds good.

Bottom line: life is about compromise and trade-offs. Ce la vie.
That's right, except for the losses in transformer. This impedance cannot be simply measured with ohmmeter because transformer does not operate at DC but behaves according to ohm laws for the CHANGES in voltage. It is called reflected impedance. Transformer has to be large enough to carry desired power. Cross section of the center of the core is proportional to square root of power and is roughly 1 square inch for 50W (for 200W it will be 2 sq inch etc.). We want as few turns as possible to avoid losses in copper but we have to provide minimum number of turns per volt. This number is inversely proportional to square area of the core and is smaller for large transformers. Knowing maximum voltage and turns per volt we can establish absolute number of turns. We select core material, size and number of turns to prevent core saturation, when magnetic flux is higher than max flux density rated for given core.

All this is also related to frequency. It is easier to saturate transformer at lower frequencies and it has to be taken into account for size of core and number of turns per volt.
Absolutely right Bifwynne. That's why audio is more of the art than science. We can calculate but have to match and listen.
Thanks Kijanki. As I have come to appreciate, there are so many design considerations and trade-offs going on, at some point, amp design is about acoustic philosphy and art. Ergo why Ralph (Atmasphere) opted for the OTL amp topology.

As a consumer, though difficult, IMO, it is incumbent on me to at least understand enough of the theory so I can make as an informed a choice as possible when matching components. Admittedly, it has been a verticle learning curve, marked with many missteps and dead-ends.

Bifwynne, some people believe that transformers and capacitors have no place in signal path. Eliminating output transformer is nice but requires some descent output impedance to drive speakers and it is usually achieved by placing a lot of large tubes in parallel. Unfortunately heaters take a lot of power. 6AS7G that Atmasphere was using takes 2.5A at 6.3V =15.75W per tube. 20 tubes will dissipate 315W. If you prefer stereo listening it will be 630W. Adding main circuit will result in more than 1kW - a space heater (nice in the winter). On the other hand we audiophiles are eager to sacrifice for great sound, and I've heard it is great.