Listening volume

For the last couple days I have been typically listening at a lower volume. Typical volume (not peak) is now low to mid 80's (dB). Interestingly, peak still is high 90's maybe 100 dB. Before, I would listen at a typical good 10dB louder average. But peak was only a tad bit higher so I think I was clearly running into dynamic compression.

The real surise is that at these average lower dB levels, my soundstage is better defined in width and depth. Was dynamic compression limiting my soundstage? Anyone else ever run into this? I'm really puzzled by this-
"02-06-14: Mapman

Perhaps, but I think it is also true that realistic volume
levels suits music best. It is not so hard to get a system
to play well at low volume for less cost. Playing loud
well does not come as easy,especially in larger rooms, and
will usually involve some additional cost."

Sorry I wasn't clear. I just meant to add my comment to the list. I didn't mean to suggest other comments were not valid. Everyone here is making excellent points.
Difference between loud and dynamic range, Rock is louder ,Symphonic music has more range between softest and loudest parts.

Every recording ever made has a certain volume where it sounds optimum . Finding it is another matter .
I don't listen at the same volume all the time, and am surprised if anybody else does. What are you people...robots? heh heh...Certain recordings sound better than others when louder...recording a piano with a brighter mic or mix sounds fine at times, other times annoying if too loud. Monk...nice...sax jumps in...different. Smoother overall mixes can more readily be cranked up a bit, regardless of musical genre. And if you're utterly drunk, you do have to turn it up quite a bit.