Bypassing A Preamp With Volume Pot In Amp

I see preamps as a convenient tool to control the volume of multiple sources. It only adds another link in the chain. It also adds to the cost of your system because you will need other pairs of interconnects and a power cable.

I was thinking about completely bypassing a preamp by adding a volume pot or a resistor based stepped attenuator into the amp, greatly reducing the signal path from the source to the amp.

The only detriment I can think of, is switching the interconnects from each source which is as troublesome as switching out a disk from the CD player.

Please chime in with your opinions and especially your experiences with this "issue".

The volume control I have in mind is the Khozmo stepped attenuator using 2 Vishay TX2575 resistors in a hybrid tubed/ss amp.
Correct Jetrexpro, nearly all sources these days have output voltages higher than what the maximum input voltage is needed to drive amps into full output.

So there is no need for preamps with gain.
And if you have a source with low output impedance (<200ohms) as well, which most are anyway. All you need is a passive volume control, does'nt matter if it's inside the poweramp or outside connected by a meter of quality low capacitance (which most are) interconnect.

Cheers George
«Georgelofi» LSA acts as a conventional resistance, with respect to the set of impedances?
Changing interconects not scare me, but adjust the volume behind the amp, yes. Unless you have great discipline when it comes to listening volume.
@Jetrexpro: Can you please tell us about your experience and opinion with having the Goldpoint stepped attenuator in your amp. Did you use a preamp before the Goldpoint? What are the benefits and detriments of the Goldpoint attenuator?
I did it! I just finished installing the Khozmo stepped attenuator. It's easy to hear the difference immediately. The sound stage has tremendously improved in depth, layering, background noise, focus, and dimension. There's no doubt that this is an upgrade. Considering the cost and effort for installation, the stepped attenuator proves to be major bang for the buck. The Khozmo is using Kimber TCSS wire and a Z-Foil TX2575 resistor per L/R channels @ 50Kohm. I also changed the cheap female RCA plugs for Cardas GRFA so I am unable to accurately measure how much each component helped to improve the sound.

I did notice that the attenuator is turned to 12 o'clock with merely average listening level. Does that mean that 10Kohm resistors would allow for more head room with volume?
No. That is just how the gain structure worked out. Reducing the value of the control will make it harder for some sources to drive the amp.