How hot are they ?

I currently operate an EL34 tube integrated amp with two power tubes per channel . I find the heat output acceptable .
I would like to investigate the world of SET integrated amps
and would like to know about the heat output of the various SET DHT tubes as compared to my present set up . In question are 300b , 211 & 845 tubes . I am guessing that there would only be one power tube per channel with this style of amp .
Can anyone speak to this situation ?

Thank You
Excellent info...thanks Trelja & Al . Especially like the AC consumption thing !
As Al mentioned above, the Cary CAD300SEI is great SET 300b integrated option, and I do not find it's heat output to really be any more/less then a typical tube based integrated.

****Cary dealer disclaimer***
Hope springs eternal Almarg ! I have emailed a retailer , for Melody products , as well as the manufacturer for Decware and received nothing in the past 3 days ! Must be a well kept design secret !?
Oh well .

Thanks for all of everybody's help .