Rogue Sphinx

I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on this guy but I just have one question. Does anyone know if this unit plays nice with a universal remote such as the stock Dish remote. I talked to the manufacture and they said that it works with learning remotes. How well is my question? If any one has any input based on experience that would be great.
Hi Daniel. I can't directly answer your question but if you spoke to Rogue and they said it will work, then it will work. I've dealt with Rogue. These guys answer the the phone themselves on the second ring. The last thing they want is to get a call from an angry customer. Pull the trigger on that bad boy and let us know how you like it.
Lindisfarne--well since I have a family I think it is rather impractical and annoying to have to use a second remote just to change the volume.

Donjr I am looking for direct user experience. I want to know how well it works. The Sphinx has had one issue as expressed by users and that was it's volume control was not that accurate. They have since upgraded the circuit board and rewrote some of the firmware for this. My question is how incremental are the volume steps when using a different remote.
Okay, I got you now. Then it was the same one they were using in most of their gear. I had a Cronus Magnum which is a great integrated, but the slightest tap of the volume on the remote moved it up and down more than I would have liked. It wasn't a deal breaker for me though. Sacrifices will be made at most price points.
I would like to add that I think Rogue would have technical details regarding this. The manufacturer of my amp was able to tell me that my volume moves up and down in one db increments.
Until you move higher up the line to the Athena and Hera, all the remotes move volume in increments. In my case, it's 2dB steps on a Perseus Magnum. I wish it was 1dB, but the remote was never a deal breaker.