Ssssh, is your tube preamp really that quiet?

Does anyone own, or know of, a tube preamp that is TRULY QUIET even when the volume is turned up? On my CAT tube preamp, there is always a certain amount of tube rush when the volume is up. This doesn't really bother me as it is not really audible when music is playing, BUT I'm sure the sound could be better IF this wasn't the case. Anyone have a totally quiet tube preamp?? No ssssh whatsoever!
Err Ralph, when I started the thread, i was actually talking about both phono and line stages; however, it quickly became evident that the phono stage is more of a factor. BUT, I think that Tube Line stages seem to suffer from the same problems, perhaps less obviously so, but nonetheless not totally quiet at all volume levels with no input signal. Is that not a fact with all Tube Line stages as well?
It is. Usually line stage noise is negligible unless you have speakers with high efficiency- 96 db or so and you may have to think about it. When loudspeakers get up to 104 or more, quite often the amplifier noise can be an issue too.

With most line sections the position of the volume control has little to no effect on noise. But I do know of some where the volume control is post-gain stage (the Dude, for example); such line sections are affected by the volume control position.
Why would a volume control (attenuator) after the gain stage affect the level of noise? Wouldn't that be true only of a volume control that is before the gain stage? Or have I somehow got this backwards in my head? I sense that I still have much to learn!
Hm.. To be true.. Realized after my last posting that I have not been quite fair to the Ref3.. The powerchord I use with my SS integrated is better and does make an obvious difference when it comes to create a darker background. The difference between the amps should be smaller to some grade than I experienced..