Need help determining next upgrade - 3rd ATTEMPT

Hello, my third attempt in 3 days to get this thread started. My system sounds a little smeared when playing complex musical passages, I'd like to have more detail and separation. Consider the sound of a full orchestra or even the crescendos in the works of Explosions in the Sky. I blame either the pre-amp or amp for this. Seeking suggestions for upgrades in these areas.
Pre-amp: Halo P5, McCormack RLD-1, ??? (must have remote)
amp: Parasound A-21, Odyssey Stratos, ???
Check out my system link and let me know what you think.
IMO the 12x12 room could be the cause. Temporarily relocate the speakers/system to your largest room. This could help you pinpoint the problem. Does the smearing get worse with increased volume? If the smearing still occurs in a larger room(with increased volume) it's probably more equipment related then... cables/vibration control/power conditioning or even room acoustics.
OK I've shifted my system to the short wall of the room. It's actually 12'8 x 11'4, so this layout gives me more space behind the speakers, and a little more distance between speakers and listening position. I'm also ordering some 2" foam for the back wall. The sub is now in a corner bracketed by concrete foundation walls, the room is in the basement. Bass has tightened up. I think the soundstage has shrunken in width tho, because the system is on the short wall.
Unless they're designed that way, your speakers also look very close to the back wall.
One thing I'd do before I started spending money was to make sure that the fault isn't with the recordings themselves. If you've heard those exact same recordings on other systems sounding great, then you know it's possible to make changes and get improvements.