earlier Musical Fideltiy V-LInk to new V-Linkll

Anybody know of any differences between the first generation V-Link (now on clearance for $99) or the newer V-Link ll for $189?
I'm talking about the coax/toslink out versions...I want to toslink out..
i have the first model and like it but isn;t the manufacturer's answer always less jitter, better bass, more transparent, quieter and, in this case, better cosmetics? have not had the chance to get the model 2 yet. i,m interested too.
Thanks Realremo.
Hi res doesn't interest me, as yet. Huge backlash against it coming now anyway. I guess something to get whipped up about, like SACD.

As much as I like the improvements in my MacBook pro overall that the vlink and better USB cable has given, I'm heading to a Naim UnitiServe that betters any MacBook combo I've heard, and it's easy peasy. Not particularly cheap, but a good redbook player never has been either.
AFAIK the only difference between V-Link and V-Link ll is the box.

BTW - V-Link II doesn't support 24/192. $399 V-Link 192 (the more expensive model) does.
I have seen claims that the power supply has been upgraded, but I have not details.