What's a good alternative to Pass Labs?

Owner of the x250.5 (pass labs). It's a remarkable amplifier, it just doesn't seem to synergize all that well with my speaker. Something a little less bright (a little more forgiving) and something slightly less warm. It seems to get warmest in the mid-bass (bloat), and brightest of course in the higher treble. The mid-bass warmth/bloat exists at lower as well as higher volumes, the brightness starts to get bad at louder volumes. I think they that Pass is a warm neutral, so perhaps i'm just looking for something that's just neutral. Any advice is greatly appreciated!!

budget less than $10k. used or new ok.
And your speaker is? Sensitivity? power rating? 2 way/3 way?
average listening level? 8ohm/4ohm?

Give us a little info otherwise your going to get a lot of
answers that do you no good.
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Besides the question of what speakers are you using which is necessary in order to make suggestions I'd also want to know what preamp, interconnects and speaker cable you use? All of those can have an effect on what you hear.