What's a good alternative to Pass Labs?

Owner of the x250.5 (pass labs). It's a remarkable amplifier, it just doesn't seem to synergize all that well with my speaker. Something a little less bright (a little more forgiving) and something slightly less warm. It seems to get warmest in the mid-bass (bloat), and brightest of course in the higher treble. The mid-bass warmth/bloat exists at lower as well as higher volumes, the brightness starts to get bad at louder volumes. I think they that Pass is a warm neutral, so perhaps i'm just looking for something that's just neutral. Any advice is greatly appreciated!!

budget less than $10k. used or new ok.
First a response to Lak will help put you and responders on the right track. Then, consider a CODA amp, made in Sacramento, CA. I could not be happier with my 15.0 amp. Coming with gobs of Class A sweetness, it may be just what you seek. Alternatively, the higher-power but less Class A model 33.0 may also fit your bill. Top quality, super solid engineering, and great folks to work with. Good luck.
Hey guys, I apologize, I should have my system info in my original post.

I have these speakers:

Pre-Amp/Dac: CP-800
Amplifier: Pass Labs X250.5
Source: Mac Mini w/Dirac Live
Subwoofers: 2 JL f113's
Sorry, I have experience with both Clayton Audio and CODA amps, but they are warm neutral as you describe Pass Labs, so I don't think they are what you are looking for. Looking at your speakers, maybe you are best to stay with SS. You may want to check out Ayre MX-R amps if you can, the are less warm sounding than Pass Labs, CODA or Clayton Audio. You can get a used pair for under $10K. If you are looking for an amp that will really light up the room, try a Spectral amp.
04-20-14: Abrew19
Colonel, did you say less bright and less warm at the same time?

Let me rephrase. With regards to warmth, there is a little to much warmth in the mid-range--it's especially apparent in women's voices with medium-higher pitch. Also a little bloat in the mid-bass--the sound is exaggerated & larger than life.

With regards to brightness, I'd classify the x250.5 as ever so slightly bright. It is by no means ruthless, nor is it forgiving. Given that a lot of the music I love isn't particularly well produced or mastered, something slightly forgiving may end up making me happier.