Happy New Year

Best Wishes to Each and Everyone for a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!

May your favorite cd be, to your surprise, remastered well and your new favorite cable be the one you quit using about two years ago which is collecting dust in the closet.

Happy Listening!

May 2002 start to heal the damage that was done to New York, to America, and to the souls of peace loving people through-out the World!
Hi, Charlie. Thanks for the good wishes. I lost my job on December 21st, so I am certainly one of those who's hoping for better things in 2002. I appreciated your posts to A-gon during the past year, and I am still enjoying the Lyle Lovett sampler you so graciously sent me about 6 months ago. I send my best wishes to you and your family for a happy and prosperous New Year.

Best regards -- Scott C
scott: sorry to hear about your job loss. you seem to have a very positive outlook, tho, that should stand you in good stead in any job search you might undertake. here's hoping that you, in particular, and everyone else affected by our somewhat sour economy have a better year ahead. -kelly

And, Sdcampbell, please remember that good people always land on their feet.
Damn, Scott. I am very sorry to know this. Could this mean you might make the local kids lucky enough to have you for a music professor? I am sure I speak for everyone here when I say that we especially wish you a great new start that leads to happiness and prosperity.

CFB, thanks.

Tuberdude, you can't come until I finish building my new listening room. [:)]
