Best integrated amp for Harbeth SHL5s

I recently sold a Bryston 4BSST2 mated with a BP26 preamp and replaced it with an Ayre AX-7E. I don't like it better although I thought I would. Anyone have a dream match for the Harbeths? I know the LFD is supposed to be great but this lazy boy wants a remote to control volume.

Pricing from $3000 to $6000. Integrated would be nice, but willing to consider separates. New or used.
There is no such thing as "best" integrated.
That is purely a heavily biased value judgement
System synergy matters big-time so the final choice can only be driven by your system and your ears.

In that regard, may I suggest the REGA OSIRIS ?

It impressed me enough to buy it. When I was auditioning them,
The LFD was my second choice.

Well worth the audition .....
just my two cents, having to experience with your speakers. That being said, the McIntosh MA600 which I do own sounds great with all the speakers I have used. The McIntosh line of integrated amps is more than worth a look. Luxman and Marantz are other brands I feel would be worthy of your consideration. Happy hunting. Please post your final choice.
I have all the Harbeths except the 40.1 and the SHL5 is a very great speaker, perhaps my favorite. I have tried it with Naim, Luxman, VAC, Classe, Pass but the ands down winner for me is Exposure. The 2010S2 model. So perfect. Please give it a try!