Best integrated amp for Harbeth SHL5s

I recently sold a Bryston 4BSST2 mated with a BP26 preamp and replaced it with an Ayre AX-7E. I don't like it better although I thought I would. Anyone have a dream match for the Harbeths? I know the LFD is supposed to be great but this lazy boy wants a remote to control volume.

Pricing from $3000 to $6000. Integrated would be nice, but willing to consider separates. New or used.
Congrats on your new LUX 505ux Bob. They make very nice gear. I met Philip O'Hanlon in Montreal recently, and he's a great guy. I would imagine you are also in good hands with a class distributor. Of course your unit is built like a tank, but extra piece of mind never hurtsÂ…. Cheers -Don
Thanks Don--yeah, Luxman and Accuphase do have their acts together. I lust after the Luxman DA-06 DAC! I'm upgrading speaker cables and interconnect to Audience AU-24e and hope that will prove out.