What's a great SS amp to pair with the CJ CT-5?

Hello --

My first forum post here so apologies in advance for my newbie-ness.

I'm seriously considering upgrading my Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum integrated with a Conrad Johnson CT-5 (I love the look of the exposed tubes, and the sound I've heard with tube gear when auditioning the CT-5 in the past). I believe I want to use SS amplification to have the "best of both worlds" Tube / SS wise. I'll be driving my Revel F-32's (Nominal impedence 6 ohm -- I have the Cronos set at the 4 ohm taps). I'm considering the new Ayre VX-5, (retail "around" 8K), but wanted to query the community about what other SS amp selections might work. I know this is a highly subjective question, but I want to see what folks thoughts are. FWIW, I hanven't noticed a lot of folks using a CT-5 with SS amplification, but I haven't looked exhaustively.

I love the way my Rogue Sounds, but am ready to go to the next level.

Sources are an Ayre QB-9 USB DAC / VPI Scoutmaster & Benz Micro Wood Body Cartridge (High Output) / Ayre P-5Xe Phono stage, and Arcam DV-139 MDP.

FWIW, I listen to EVERYTHING, but mostly Rock, Jazz, Prog Rock, and Bakersfield country. Lately I've been on an Ambient (Read: Brian Eno) kick as well.

Thanks in advance for your input.
Ag insider logo xs@2xjeffersondd
You might want to take a look at the Emotiva XPA-1L Class A, AB amp. And it has more than eough power to drive your speakers to thunderous levels. It is currently on sale and has received very favorable reviews. Emotiva have a 30 in-home trial so you can see how it sounds in your environment...


Hi Czbbcl --

Which Pass labs amp would you suggest (Stereo, not monoblocks... Just don't have the extra room for those :(?
