Preamp recommendations for under $600.00

I would appreciate a few Preamp recommendations for under $600.00. Could be new or vintage, SS or Tube. Thanks in advance.

I am torn between your recommendation of the Acurus R11, and Apt Holman, Jolida JD3000 and a restored Dynaco PAS 3x.

Conrad Johnson SA250, Mangnapan MGIIb, Luxman CD
I've owned 3 of the four and seen inside the Jolida,PAS 3 and Bottlehead are easy to fix, odds are great you will end up throwing the others away because they will surely need re-capping etc and you won't like the price , assuming you even find some one to do it.
+1 Lightspeed. Highly recommended if you have a single source. Add a Teradak power supply from A-B Systems and you'll still have money left over.