Pass Integrated to Pass separates

Hello - I'm considering upgrading my pass int-150 to xp-10 and XA.60.5's (maybe even 100's). The problem I'm facing is my source components aren't the best. I have a vpi scout 2 and a ps audio phone pre, although (this is embarrassing) most of the music I listen to is through sonos. I'm wondering if this upgrade might be pointless and I should instead upgrade my source components first (cd/dac and phono).

One thought I had was to do the upgrade as planned and get an oppo 105 to hold me over until I'm ready for a big boy digital source. The truth in all of this is I'll probably continue to primarily listen through sonos (sorry I love it). What I'm really after is just more of the pass sound, I can't get enough, it's intoxicating. Just wondering if some better quality sources would be more appropriate and I'll get more satisfaction from them alternatively to the pass separates.

I appreciate any advice from the community.

I love Pass because it gives me the wide and deep stage I want. On the other hand I love the focus it can give on the sound of an instrument. Realism in sound is everything for me. I also love the speed and drive.

I have done a few email about asking questions about the new .8 series. I think they will give me the extra parts I am looking for.
We've used Pass amplifiers for many years. We currently have 3 X-250.5's for our center / sub, sides and rear speakers and XA-200.5's for our mains.
We've had an XA-30.5 for our mains prior to the 200's.
Our equipment is Wilson Sasha speakers, Meridian 800 series digital front end, MIT Oracle cables, Sound Application power conditioner and CH Acoustic power cables.
We preferred the XA-30.5 to our X-250.5 amplifier. When I was selling a X-250.5 amplifier, I let the buyer listen to the XA-30.5 and he wanted to buy the 30.5 amplifier instead of the 250.5. It just sounds better, in spite of not having the dynamic percussion drive the 250.5 has.
Music was more coherent with the 30.5, and even more so with our 200's! The 200's are short of nothing!
Just our experience.
You need to test and listen it in your own system.

MIT is not a good match with Pass Labs. I can easilly explain why. I sold and owned MIT cables.

Pass Labs give a wide and deep stage but.....within this stage instruments and voices are not small and realistic in proportion. I call it intimate sound.

MIT also give a deep and wide stage. But not a sharp realistic individual focus of instruments and voices.

I have proven in one year of time that Audioquest is superior to MIT in every single aspect you Judge a cable for. It get's you a lot closer to the music. Instruments and voices become a lot more palpable and intimate. Many of my clients sold there MIT cables.

I owned the Meridian 800 for 12 years of time. I also owned the latest and most expensive 800DAX V4 for 7 years of time. There are many sources which are superior to these.

After I used the Purist Audio Limited powercable, the X250.5 went to a much higher level. The speed and resolution I did not achieve with the XA-30.5, 60.5 and 100.5.

Amps will work differently in different situations. So you have to find out yourself what will work best!!
I ended up going with the x250.5 and will save a little money for a new source component.

I have 4 months to decide if I want to upgrade to the XA's so I can still do that. It still bothers me in the back of my mind that I didn't get the XA's but I think I made the more sensible decision given my budget. Either way I'm very excited!

On another note, Mark at Reno HiFi has been a pleasure to do business with (for the second time for me). I really appreciate the flexibility that his business model allows, it makes me feel like my investment is "safe" as there is always a path to upgrade that I find very fair and reasonable.
Nice! Would you give us your evaluation of the X250.5 after you spend some time with it? I'm also researching Pass, and was mainly considering the X150.5, but read some reviews on the 250 which have me reconsidering. And, yes, I've spoken with Mark and he is a class act to deal with.