Best $600 integrated for Monitor Audio RX-2?

Hello Audiogoners,
I just acquired a pair of Monitor Audio RX-2 from a fellow Audiogoner and now I am looking for a ~$600 (used/new) integrated to drive them. Most stuff I read comes from home theater forums (my setup is stereo), and I could not find many options within my price range

One caveat: the amp needs to be 50/60 Hz (220v selectable even better!), since I am taking it with me to Argentina by the end of this year.

Room: approx 16 x 13 ft.

What do you guys think I should get within that price range? I read Marantz, Rega, NAD, and Arcam pair well with the Monitor Audio RX series("neutral toward bright" speakers?), but sound varies from model to model, both within and between brands. Thus, I need your advise!

Thanks a lot in advance

I sell even a lot Onkyo surr. receivers for people who use only stereo. Because I can use 4 amps for stereo use.

The Onkyo will use the full capacity of the transformer also when you use 2 or 4 channels.

With Audyssey you get more precision as well.

My focus is only on the best sound. I also do a lot business with the distributer who also does Arcam. They asked me if I want to do Arcam again. When focus is only on 3 d it is shame not to use it.

The distributer of Arcam said to me at my home: Arcam does not have this sharp focus and deph.

Paraneer: I know exactly were I am talking about. This it not about good sound, it is Always about getting the best for the money.

I can get everything for dealer prices. I only work with those which can give me the best results. That is a decision I take. Because it gives me the best sound to compete. Things can be very easy in life.

Marantz and Pioneer: both 2 dimensional brands. For example people who buy Monitor Audio speakers by me and have Marantz amplifiers. I Always take an Onkyo with me.

The difference in sharpness in individual focus and stage wide and deth is huge. Then you understand what 3 D gives. Audio can be easy and convincing, so keep it easy. I still use shops who sell 2 dimensional amps. It is a lot of fun and it makes me laugh how low the knowdledge is in audio in general.
For 600 dollar I would buy a 727 or 626. Go for the older models with Audyssey when you want to play 5.1. Only choose for the new ones if you use only stereo.

I did test the new Onkyo amps for Onkyo Benelux 2 weeks ago.
OK Bo, I see where your coming from. Lots of unpersuasive rhetoric and no answer to my simple questions - what were the test parameters and equipment that you used and do you have written results? Looks like you don't.

But I have gleaned this from your post and these are your exact quotes as follows...

"I sell even a lot Onkyo surr. receivers for people who use only stereo. Because I can use 4 amps for stereo use."
So you are using AVR's and biamping from a common power supply for stereo and ....

"I know exactly were I am talking about. This it not about good sound, it is Always about getting the best for the money."
Spoken like a true Audio Salesman more interested in sales than achieving the best HiFi sound within a given budget.

I rest my case. To the OP, as your obviously new here and don't know Bo very well as some of us do, I would be very careful.

I worked for over 6 years in a very big audio shop. We had about 8 listening rooms. In my free time I test a lot. Because I love it. Comparing amps, sources, speakers and cables. Cables is the thing I tested most. On my free monday I went to distributers. I wanted to listen to expensive stuff for myself and things we did not have. I started in 1998, at the end of 1999 I owned an audio set of far over 50.000 dollar myself. Audio is like a part of whO I am as a person. I never saw it as work and not as a hobby. Music is my favorite passion.

After this I did consulting for 2 years of time. It is the freedom you have and what it makes a lot more attractive than a speciality shop. I visited many many people with sets of about 10.000 dollar til 150.000 dollar.

In 2007 I did run a speciality shop for about 2 years. I had a lot of freedom choosing the brands I wanted.

We had many brands but I loved Monitor Audio the most. Because the stage was so much bigger than others. After some time I had almost every single loudspeaker of them.

That time I also had every thing Primare produces. I also had a lot of Arcam models. I have been for a few days to Arcam in England. When you compare Primare and Arcam to speakers who can give a deep and wide stage it is easy to hear how different the stage is build.

Monitor Audio is better in producing crossovers, this give them a far more physical stage and a wider and deeper stage.

When you play the same music on the Arcam with the Platinum speakers ( which I used a lot to test at that time) the stage width and depth is so much smaller and less deep.

In 2007 I started to let people hear the difference between 2 and 3 D. It was extreme effective. Often people spend more money when you let them hear a 3 D sound. This time I also started to send clients to other shops with 2 D brands. It is one of the most effective ways of selling audio for me.

When you test a lot after time you understand the different properties of every single brand. This makes audio a lot more easy to create a higher level in endresult.

That Onkyo also could give a deep and wide stage was pure luck to be honest. I did not know it till 2010. Sometimes you need a little luck in life. Audyssey did a lot as well.

Only by comparing cables, amps, sources, conditioners and speakers etc you will understand how to use them . I use shows, visitings other shops and ditributers to hear new stuff.

I do not care about a brand, but about the best sound quality in every single price.

After time I got even more expensive stuff myself. But I wanted the same 3D level for a lot less money. That was my focus. To create a much more appealing and convincing sound for less money, so more people can enjoy a much higher level in audio.