Best $600 integrated for Monitor Audio RX-2?

Hello Audiogoners,
I just acquired a pair of Monitor Audio RX-2 from a fellow Audiogoner and now I am looking for a ~$600 (used/new) integrated to drive them. Most stuff I read comes from home theater forums (my setup is stereo), and I could not find many options within my price range

One caveat: the amp needs to be 50/60 Hz (220v selectable even better!), since I am taking it with me to Argentina by the end of this year.

Room: approx 16 x 13 ft.

What do you guys think I should get within that price range? I read Marantz, Rega, NAD, and Arcam pair well with the Monitor Audio RX series("neutral toward bright" speakers?), but sound varies from model to model, both within and between brands. Thus, I need your advise!

Thanks a lot in advance

Hey guys, thank you all for your input.
Bo, thank you for the Onkyo models suggested, but sorry I decided I am not gonna buy an Onkyo (or a Primare). I said I had narrowed down my list to the Arcam and Brio-R.
So, I am really hoping to get some input for those amps from now on.

Paraneer, thank you so much for your input! Cheers!
It's a free world. I had discussions about the use of amps for Monitor Audio with the distributer and also with Monitor Audio England.

Last years when I was the absolute sound of a big audio show in my country, the distributer invited Monitor Audio England as well. They said that thye never heard this level out of there speakers.

Often choices are made for political reasons. I make mine to create the best endresult. At the end you decide what you will choose. It is that simple.
Has anybody compared the phono sections of the Brio and the A-18? Is any of these units particularly better than the other?
The A18 has a nice Phono stage. When I sold the Arcam's we also sold many record players with them.