Hearing issue

I have been experiencing a systolic turbulence sound in my left ear before I am fully asleep. It sounds like a periodic subtle or mild rushing or whooshing pulsation along with a very faint heartbeat. I do not notice this when I am active and upright but only while waiting to fall asleep. Has anyone had these symptoms and/or been treated for it?

Several months ago, I had developed a fluid buildup in the same ear behind the eardrum which caused me to lose the hearing in that ear. It was due to an airborne allergy. I was advised by a nurse to take Sudafed and Afrin for three days. I did, it cleared up and my hearing was restored. No similar problem since until this the last few weeks.
Go back to the ear doctor and get checked out again. Don't take chances ... it is your ears for Christ sakes. Sounds like fluid build up. Have you tried sleeping either on a wedge type pillow or propped up. This would allow for drainage or at least, may impede fluid flowing.

I burst both my eardrums, at different times, 20 years ago. It literally took years to get better.

Nothing is quick in the ear healing world.

The next time it happens, try equalizing. Thats when you pinch your nose while at the same time trying to exhale through your nose. Simply put, it makes your ears pop. Doing that may give you some clues as to what is going on. Another thing you can try is to clean your ears. If you're careful you can get right up to your ear drum with a Q-Tip. I do it every day and it keeps my ears very clean. Last time I went to the ear doctor for a cleaning, they couldn't do anything because there was no build up to remove.
My PCP tells his patience to not use q-tips. He prefers you flush them out while taking a shower than jamming a q-tip in your ear.

Take Rar1's advice and head back to the doctor.