KT-88 gold lions verses the new tung-sul kt-120

I have a cary tube amp and would like to switch out the stock tubes the Electro Harmonic kt-88 and try something different since the gold lions are almost at a price match with the kt-120s. I have checked with cary can my amp run the kt-120. Which my dealer demos my cary amp with the KT-120. And cary says they should work with my amp no problem with the over built transformers on the cad-120s.

Anyone have any thoughts or experienced any of these tubes?
I can't speak to the EH KT-88s. But my old amp originally used SED 6550 "Winged C" tubes. IMO, dropping in the KT-120s made a significant positive difference.

Right now there are a couple of threads running about the recently issued KT-150 tube. New Sensor makes both the KT-120 and 150 tubes.

Just a suggestion, but why not ask Cary if your amp can handle the KT-150s? It's a little pricier than the KT-120s, but others have written some really positive comments about the KT-150s.

Gotta tell ya Jake ... I must be an audiophile now. I never thought I'd be a tube roller, but I'm waiting for ARC to sprinkle pixie dust on the KT-150s to drop into my Ref 150 amp. And why??? The amp sounds great as is?????? I'm surprised at myself. :(

I had a pair of VAS Audio Citation II monoblocks a few years back (modern version of the HK Citation II as monoblock amps). These could use EL34/KT88/6550. Originally I had the EH EL34 and Shuguang EL34's. The EH tubes were more detailed, almost analytical, while the Shuguangs were voluptuous. I tried the Gold Lion KT77 and they were much better than either of the EL34s. The detail and focus were much improved. Actually, transparency improved; the other tubes were just a bit opaque, something not noticed until compared to the Gold Lion tubes. I later bought a quad of the Shuguang Black Treasure 6CA7 and found them to improve upon the Gold Lion tubes (more body and bloom without loosing any detail or air--they seemed to capture the ambiance of the recording venue better as well). I know you asked about KT 88/120 but I thought these experiences might help you as well. Thanks.

My experience with the KT-120 tubes in my former Rogue M180 monoblock system was that they were too heavy in the bass, not as extended in the top end, and a bit grainy. I quickly went back to the Gold Lion KT-88 tube set that I had been enjoying for years. There are a lot of people who apparently like the KT-120 so you may find them to have a synergy with your system, I just didn't with mine.

