Comparision: Modwright, Counterpoint, Aesthetix

Hello friends out there,

Can anyone say how the Counterpoint SA-5.1, SA-5 peforms in comparisson to the Aesthetix Calypso, Modwright and Audible Illusion Modulus 3A preamp.

I need an advice. My budget is low, but the Modwright SWl 9.0Se seems to be affordable. Compared to the premaps above is it really worth the money?

I'd put my Quicksilver full function preamp up against the Modwright. I have it at Audio Connection in NJ where it's been gone over. LEt me know if interested. Thanks.
Stefan, is this a second thread on this? We did this yesterday, lol. What is your true budget? What are the ones you mentioned going for? Thanks.
Yeah just becouse they forget to add this post earlier after two days I tried another one. Close this one pls. Thanks!