Having heard the Pre and power amp with wilson Alexia at a small local show, I can imagine how good the Momentum integrated is. That demo was absolutely the best sound I have ever heard, lightening fast but no trace of edge, massive soundstage, well layered and pinpoint imaging. Close your eyes and it sounded like the best tube system you have ever heard, in a good way.
I can imagine the integrated is not far behind, with a difference, I probably could'nt detect anyway.
If you can't afford it and who can, who is'nt a Hedge Fund Manager, I heard a similar sound to the D'Agostino separates, in the same room, with the same speakers, with the Dartzeel integrated. That is a much more managable price, at least second hand, for me. Not as good of course, but the same detailed but liquid sound.
I can imagine the integrated is not far behind, with a difference, I probably could'nt detect anyway.
If you can't afford it and who can, who is'nt a Hedge Fund Manager, I heard a similar sound to the D'Agostino separates, in the same room, with the same speakers, with the Dartzeel integrated. That is a much more managable price, at least second hand, for me. Not as good of course, but the same detailed but liquid sound.