McIntosh to be on How It's Made this Thursday

Just a quick note I received from McIntosh that the Science channel will have a segment on how the MC275 is made this Thursday evening. For anyone interested it may be fun to see the McIntosh factory.
Theo, I am with you, made me want more nonetheless, it was worth it - thanks for the heads up.
Thanks for the heads up on that. Would have been nice to have the whole show dedicated to the Mac tour. I still don't understand the l.e.d.'s under the small signal tubes. I guess I'm old school.
I think the LEDs are there for fun mostly. I learned from the show that you should keep your fingers away from the metal bending machine, and keep your nails in presentable shape for closeups. They had to pick McIntosh for the show as otherwise it could be disturbing to see 13 year old Chinese children building things, although they do a great job.

Good one.

I learned that one doesn't need to be concerned with fingerprints on the tubes.
If you ever go to Binghamton for the factory tour, make sure to also stop at Audio Classics. It's a very unique audio shop.