Tube Preamp for 4B SST2

I am new and this is my first post here, I recently bought Bryston 4B SST2 to improve the sound quality of my system below:
Logitech Squeezebox Touch streamer
Cyrus 6 CD
Perreaux DP32 (DAC/Pre)

I heard good things about the synergy between ARC and Bryston, and would like to buy and ARC preamp and currently have a good offer for a new SP17L for 2500$.
I know auditioning is the best way, but can't audition any ARC preamps here,
How do you compare the SP17L to other ARCs and do you have any other ARC suggestions? appreciate your help.
In my experience, buying an ARC preamp without hearing it in my system first would be too chancy. You can get good sound, but I find that's not always the case. Sometimes they sound too bright. If you don't have the means to listen before you buy, maybe look at a different brand. Aesthetix, BAT, Ayre (I know its only SS and you are asking for tubes.) and CJ (if you don't need all balanced components), would be safer choices. One thing I can say for certain is to get the best preamp you can. Its the most important one to get right (Assuming you didn't make any big mistakes with your other components. That doesen't appear to be the case with the components you list). If not, you'll alyways be trying to fix something (cables, tweaks etc...)
There have been a lot of folks who have used Bryston with ARC
with great synergy.
A few years back when I home auditioned a ref 5 with my 7B-sst's I liked it a lot.
Didn't find anything non musical about it except the I couldn't afford it at the time.
Would I have bought it if I had the coin,of course I would have.
Now I use 28s with a Vac pre and am very satisfied.
Might want to look on older posts that have arc and Bryston.
There are quite a few on audiocircle also that use tubes with the Bryston.
Hopefully you find your specific arc pre with Bryston.
Zd542: what makes you think that these other brands should be less chancier to match than ARC? from the previous threads in Adiogon it seems to be the safest combo after Bryston pre and power.

I found very few threads contains information about SP17, I need some comparison between different ARC Pres like LS15, LS16, LS25 compared to SP17.